does buffy ever remember when angel was human

[137], Soon afterward, Angel and Faith came across Nadira and her fellows fighting against zombified Slayers and Giles' body possessed by Eyghon. [150] Although, when the spirit witnessed Angel's allies running to join him despite the danger, where Archaeus' forces only obeyed him out of fear, it allied with Angel to trap Archaeus in the golem body Archaeus had intended to offer the spirit, sealing the demon away. [130] While Angel's belief in his mission for redemption fluctuated frequently over being worth it, he still continued to help others as a champion. [106], During the battle, Angel was teleported away from Gunn and towards the dragon he later befriended, who had been tricked in fighting for Wolfram & Hart; Gunn was dragged away and subsequently turned into a vampire. Club liked the premise but not the whole execution, writing, "It's an undeniably sweet episode, but I have to say I found the set-up clunky and the complications a little forced, no matter how beautifully it all plays out. [citationneeded] In a conversation with Spike about the natures of good and evil, Angel said: "I couldn't take my eyes off [my victims]. Undead They returned his soul, forcing him to live eternally in guilt over the countless crimes he had committed. "[50] In addition, in the two times he defeated Eyghon, Angel counted with the aid of his inner demon as a separate entity in the fight;[177] this evil persona was referred to as "Angelus" in the second time,[140] when Spike explained: "Not sure you can call Angelus a 'being,' really. Though he ran afoul of Riley and the Initiative in the process, he managed to get to Buffy and apologize, who also apologized for butting into his life, and Angel departed after informing Buffy that he didn't like Riley, much to Buffy's amusement. Relatives [37] The same year, Angelus and Spike used a trick that involved them holding hands and beheading their enemies with a length of wire in St. Petersburg, Russia. However, given Angel's currently tense relationship with Spike, as well as the Scoobies' current hostility towards him, Buffy asked Angel to help protect the Slayers from the currently-attacking demons while she went with Spike to investigate his claims.[121]. Drusilla and her sisters were all noted to be virgins, and Drusilla was described as being "sweet, pure and chaste." Ensouled, Angel was at first confused and did not remember what had happened. Buffy and her parents in 1986. Angel continually tries to do the best for his son, Connor. Angel managed to stop the puppet demons' plans and save the children of Los Angeles. According to his friends and despite his constant objection, he rarely smiled and only openly cried on one occasion. Because I knew it was the right thing to do. [85] Connor then sank his father to the bottom of the ocean in a steel coffin, while Cordelia ascended to a higher plane, the feelings shared between her and Angel still left unspoken.[86]. The masked Twilight reveals his identity. Its blood, eventually found to be the Blood of Eternity, merges with his own, and he becomes human. While Buffy the Vampire Slayer lasted seven seasons and ended on its own terms, Angel was unceremoniously canceled before season 5 had even concluded. 1898: Angelus' unlife took a pivotal turn when Darla kidnapped the favorite daughter of the Kalderash people in Bora, Romania, as a "birthday present." The woman had a young son, whom Angelus killed afterwards. He helped out with the people, but rejected Alasdair's implication of him becoming the next balance demon. Giles, Angelus, and Angel sharing one body. Angel then decided that he would be the one to attack Eyghon, as he believed that he would be immune to the demon's ability of possession. "[71] Following Whistler's self-sacrifice to save the world and the advice he parted with him, Angel gained a certain degree of peace with himself. [96], Soon after the events in Los Angeles, Angel traveled to Sunnydale to give Buffy an amulet he had obtained from Wolfram & Hart. Angel was one of the most well-known vampires in all of vampiric history, legendary for both his savage villainy [8] and his great heroism. Simply put, Angel had difficulty trusting others, and it took him a long time to feel comfortable around his companions. He attempted to kill the Lorophage to prevent further problems, but it easily fought him off. [citationneeded]. [citationneeded] Another notable trait of Angel's was his tendency to make life-changing decisions for other people without their consent or knowledge, always believing he was only doing the right thing for others. He believed he had little talent with words, and disliked public speaking. [184], Other abilities: Angel had a photographic memory. Resenting the humiliation he felt because Buffy had made him feel like a human being, Angel took pleasure in tormenting the Slayer and her friends. "[13] However, while he was soulless, Buffy's claimed that he was "not Angel," so he responded: "Wrong. He would eventually murder two Slayers, and became a particularly renowned vampire as a result. They consent, and time is set back twenty four hours despite a heartbroken Buffy begging Angel to remain human before the Mohra demon is killed, with only Angel as a witness to the night he and Buffy shared in the erased timeline. [162][163] Angel's appreciation of arts and theater manifested into an enjoyment of ballet even when he was evil. He was also known as the One with the Angelic Face because of his physical beauty. Subscribe Now. In 1753, at the age of twenty-six, after a habitual night of drunken debauchery and failed attempts to seduce the family's only maidservant, Liam and his father got into a heated argument; enraged by his son's chronically reckless behavior, his father declared that Liam was wasting his life, and slapped him across the face. There, they became caught up in a plan by various witches to gain power through the fear generated by tours of Angelus's first murder spree and the blood of a Gachnar demon. Unphased by Whistler's accusations, Angel justified that his friends had been in danger, and that he had simply wanted to help. [31], Despite this shared awareness of each other's thoughts, the two's different natures meant that they still could not understand their other self. Willow tried to fight him off, but was at first overcome. [92] Faith (who had almost died in her quest to capture him) and Willow helped to accomplish Angel's restoration via a brief but violent internal mental duel between his soulless and ensouled states. Once the world was saved, Angel decided to stay in London and help the people in the newly created Magic Town. After their first case, however, Wesley was eager to stay and assist Angel and Cordelia, who had inherited the visions from the Powers that Be from Doyle, in their mission. They are attacked by a Mohra demon; when Angel kills the demon he is restored to life by its powerful blood. [40] To avenge her death, the Kalderash cursed him with the Ritual of Restoration, which restored his human soul, thus afflicting him with a conscience and condemning him to an eternity of remorse for the crimes and atrocities he had committed while soulless. Seeing her again with her sanity restored, he desperately asked her how she had managed it, causing her to reveal that the Lorophage demon had consumed the traumatic memories that had caused her lunacy. Angel and Faith successfully restore a corpse using the Crown of Coils. Filled with a new purpose in life, Angel resolved to help the Slayer,[12] with whom he had fallen in love. In an attempt to control him, the firm resurrected his sire and former lover, Darla, though she came back as a human rather than as a vampire. He naturally associated them with "always trying," no matter the cost, and more than once made reference to their right to choose over others' attempts to impose their own will on them. They sank him to the bottom of the ocean to rescue an American submarine crew from three vampires the Nazis had captured as part of their paranormal research activities: Spike, Nostroyev, and the Prince of Lies. He also told Angel about his parents, a pureblood demon and an agent of the Powers That Be, who had been eliminated as a result of their forbidden relationship. Angel #1.7 The Batchelor Party to Buffy #4.8 Pangs to Angel #1.8 I Will Remember You-Angel goes to Sunnydale to 'help' Buffy, . [citationneeded] He denied Whistler's wishes for him to help Buffy at first,[12] and, years later, when he was offered a chance to live without his vampiric weaknesses with the Gem of Amara, he chose to destroy it instead, justifying that he needed to continue living with his punishment. She told him that it would be a long time, if ever, but she sometimes envisioned a future with him. The following morning, he and Faith caught Spike exiting the bathroom shower with Harmony. [23] Angel managed to reason with him, causing Whistler to give up his life by sacrificing himself. "[100], Angel was also an excellent sketch artist[citationneeded] and possessed a photographic memory that he used to his advantage. During the battle, Angel commanded a small number of fighters to surround the Mayor's vampire henchmen. As they fought the demons, the creatures continuously regenerated; according to Angel, people had suspected this to be an ability of the demons themselves, but Angel realized afterward that they had been restored because of the Crown's influence. Unable to resist the sight and smell of the clerk's still-warm blood, Angel succumbed to his urges and fed on the body. [120], At some point, Angel gained new abilities after a meeting with a shape-shifting higher power, including flight and invulnerability, which he quickly used to save a damaged airplane. [32][33], 1880: Desiring a companion of her own, Drusilla sired the mild-mannered and lovesick poet, William Pratt, to whom Angelus served as a mentor and role model for a while. After the American crew had captured the German submarine, the vampires had escaped their bonds and murdered most of the crew; the few survivors sought refuge behind a locked hatch. People who have annoyed him most include Spike, Xander, and Harmony. Before leaving, he gave Buffy a Claddagh ring for her seventeenth birthday, a traditional courting gift in Ireland. [119], Realizing that the Senior Partners needed him alive for their plans, Angel provoked Gunn into beheading him with the flaming sword. 1900: In China, during the Boxer Rebellion, Angelus tried to resume his life with Darla, who had abandoned him after finding out that his soul had been restored, but found himself able to kill only animals, murderers, and rapists while protecting innocents from Darla. He was proven right when he tested it on one of the demons' victimsthe decomposed corpse became fresh once more, but because the body had no soul, it remained dead. Angel was then sucked into the closing vortex. Doyle encouraged Angel not to shy away from human interaction, warning him that isolating himself from humanity would eventually lead to him forgetting why they need to be protected, and feeding on them. She had chosen to help people with her newfound clarity, but as Angel was aware, her efforts had gone in vain. . Deeply disgusted by his own weakness and realizing he could never be a part of human society, Angel fled the shop, and then exiled himself to a life of homelessness, living in alleyways and feeding on rats. He also stated that the last fragment of Giles' soul rested within Eyghon. Art skills: He had "very nice handwriting"[106] and was a skillful artist, using charcoal[52] and China ink[citationneeded] to draw portraits. I Will Remember You: Directed by David Grossman. Darla fled to Vienna, knocking out and abandoning Angelus in a burning barn and riding off on their only horse. [citationneeded], Psychic connection: Angel displayed a psychic connection to those he had sired on at least one occasion. [29], 1767: Holtz tracked them down in Marseilles and managed to put numerous arrows in Angelus. How does Buffy end? "[32] However, this also made him a natural leader towards others. [126], Reliving Giles' memories, Angel chose to visit a cemetery where the Watcher had once witnessed the deaths of his friends at the hands of a Lorophage demon: a beast that fed on emotional trauma. [2], While in the Twilight persona, Angel wore a black leather duster along with metal chest armor, black pants, black gloves, black boots and a red, black and gold mask. At Alasdair's, Angel and Faith regrouped their forces. Spike, who Angel had called earlier for assistance,[138] also appeared at Alasdair's residence. As a human and a soulless vampire, he often sported either long, shoulder-length hair, either down or in a loose ponytail. Her purity had driven him to want to mold her into his "masterpiece." [30], 1786: Angelus sired a Puritan by the name of Penn, who mimicked Angelus by wreaking havoc on his father and killing his family. In the ensuing battle, Angel discovers the consequences of having only human strength; Buffy must come to his rescue and slay the demon herself. In this effort, Gunn was badly wounded, and Wesley was killed. [24], Despite his constant stoicism, Angel was more than capable of forming close bonds with others, particularly his Angel Investigations associates. Angel struggled briefly with the urge to continue feeding on her; startled and frightened, he instructed that Faith kill him. Eventually, Nadira arrived and while she was still in no way forgiving of Angel, she seemed to acknowledge that he was not the "true" bad guy, instead launching herself at Nash for her revenge. [78] Angel was overcome with parental love, and named their child Connor,[7] in recognition of his Irish heritage. [173], During his darker phases, Angel also smoked, such as his reversion to soulless state in 1998,[50] his ensouled depression pre-Buffy,[45] and his dark phase in Los Angeles in late 2000. However, Darla had already been given a second chance at life and Angel's prize seemingly went to waste. However, her repeated attempts to interact with him allowed the two to form a budding friendship, which was very surprising and rare for Angel at that time in his life. The distracted Illyria was then taken down by the Senior Partners' forces. [14][175][80][43][104], In 2003, when all reference to the Beast was erased from Earth, Angel was also affected, but his soulless past was not, for this identity technically did not exist anymore when the spell was cast. As planned, he went to Alasdair to borrow his magical items only to have the archmage refuse him. Liam's little sister, Kathy, had believed her brother had returned to her as an angel, and ignorantly invited him inside the family home. Ehygon attempted to overtake Angel as well, but was met with resistance by the three beings already inhabiting Angel's body. Buffy Stopped Showing Up On Angel Due To Network Restrictions This time, Whistler was convinced and told him he wanted to help despite the cost. Drusilla then drew his attention to the opportunity of awakening the demon Acathla and bring about the end of the world. [141], When they returned, Spike was ordered to watch over Angel in the basement while Faith and the others performed the ritual. Buffy Sainte-Marie, CC (born Beverly Sainte-Marie, February 20, 1941) is an Indigenous Canadian-American (Piapot Cree Nation) singer-songwriter, musician, composer, visual artist, educator, pacifist, and social activist. But, in typical Joss Whedon fashion, this happy moment is quickly. [13] However, he would eventually convince himself that he could make a difference, redeem himself, and receive some sort of reward for it. He tended to keep up a stoic and brave face, similar to Oz in that regard. [66], As Angel continued to help the helpless in Los Angeles, his good deeds began seriously to disrupt the plans of Wolfram & Hart. With Lindsey out of the way, Spike and Angel came to an understanding that let the two of them operate as a lethal team when the two ended up fighting side-by-side, using their long experience of each other's skills to operate in near-perfect tandem. Just a thought. "Welcome to the Hellmouth" Although they initially accepted Drusilla's gift, Angel convinced her to reject it with the justification that the loss of her pain would only deprive of her of the emotional strength she had gained through maturation. He killed her first, and then murdered his mother. His chivalry and sensitivity frequently made him prone to seeing others as his complete responsibility, specifically "damsels in distress. [citationneeded], Sorcery: Angel also had some experience in magic, able to perform spells, exorcisms,[1] and glamours, although he preferred to rely on others' expertise if the option was available rather than doing them himself. With the exception of while amnesiac, Angel would not take back his birth name of Liam. [57], Angel and Buffy tried to date, going to the movies, more scenic patrols, and picnics in the cemetery. [36] However, Spike's victory and subsequent role as a champion[101] was later revealed to be part of Lindsey's plans to undermine Angel's confidence and new position, allowing Angel to regain his focus and faith in himself after a final meeting with Cordelia. He managed to kill almost four-hundred other vampires in the process. While he initially wore untucked white button down shirts with black dress jackets and a black leather bomber jacket (which he gave to Buffy), he began wearing white undershirts, white and black wife beaters, a red velvet shirt, gray and black soft pullovers and long-sleeved dress shirts in colors such as blue and red. [47] Though they had a mutual attraction, Buffy was not aware of Angel's vampiric nature until several weeks after their first meeting. Angel reveals to Faith his intention to resurrect Giles. An epiphany followed, and Angel realized that his purpose was still to do all the good he could, even if he couldn't do all the good he wanted to. Angel himself was very aware of this (though he rarely admitted it), but made little effort to hide it. Promising to show him the world, Darla and Liam meet. But Angel's relationship with his teammates, particularly Cordelia, was strained, though things improved rather quickly. Having hoped to get Angel back, Darla was disgusted and infuriated by Angel's epiphany, and left Los Angeles. Doing this, Angel attracted the attention of the evil law firm, Wolfram & Hart. Here's how you can watch the Buffy and Angel series in order. [14] Ironically, Angelus' protg Spike would betray him and foil his own plan to destroy the world over two centuries later for similar reasons. He refused, and along with Faith, left the church. Faith then shared the fact that Eyghon had made a deal with Whistler, Pearl and Nash to create a perfect zombified world without magic. Giving up trying to reason with Whistler, Angel challenged his benefactor to a duel, declaring that, since Whistler had always said that it was always the "big moments" that defined a person, then it was time to find out. Buffy aided him in secret, fostering his rehabilitation. The two appear to have maintained a relationship throughout Angelus' time as a soulless vampire, as they were scheduled to meet in Italy before Angelus' soul was restored. [89] After Cordelia had a vision of soulless Angel facing the Beast in the past which Angel did not recall, Angel's worst fears were realized when he had to strip himself of his soul and revert to his evil self in order to defeat it. Status [141], Angel prepared to set up Giles' resurrection with a special incantation he found, intending to use Alasdair's artifacts as well. Angel roughly grabbed Whistler's horns and forced his attention to the people transforming into monsters below them, giving a moving speech about how the "necessary losses" were people with lives and that it cost too much to sacrifice so many. [2], Noel Murray of The A.V. [146] Although Angel assisted in defeating Archaeus and accepted Buffy and Spike's relationship, he noted to Willow as he left that he doubted that the relationship would last, recognizing over the years that Spike sought relationships that he believed would save him from himself, only to push his partners away and convince himself that his problems were simply unfixable. Together, they went to the funeral home where Giles' body had been brought to piece together that had happened to it. Angel quickly surmised that Eyghon the Sleepwalker had possessed Ethan Rayne during the funeral, and had begun possessing Giles' body since. [165], Angel often adopted a controlling persona around people, especially those he was closest too. [2] However, in 1898, Angelus was cursed by the Kalderash people as vengeance for killing their favorite daughter. [16], Eventually, Angel adopted the identity of the masked Twilight and gathered a cabal of humans and demons who had become wary of the rise of multiple Slayers. [42] Angel then spent time in Missoula, Montana during the Great Depression. [13], 1890: Angelus attended a production of Giselle by the Blinnikov World Ballet Corps, a Russian ballet troupe run by Count Kurskov. An ensouled Angelus follows Darla to China in 1900. Despite his still untarnished love for Buffy, Angel eventually realized his previously platonic love for Cordelia had grown romantic. He had a tendency to bottle up his emotions, feelings and problems behind stoicism, causing him to appear difficult to read and secretive. Angel and Faith then traveled to Peru to retrieve the Crown of Coils from a demons' lair. However, his true goal was to keep the anti-Slayer forces distracted with his supposed "master plan," thus allowing him to coordinate the anti-Slayer movement and limit the potential damage that might result had these factions struck independently, while at the same time give Buffy a concrete threat to fight against, keeping her focused and ready for the challenges that lay ahead, while also guiding her into a position where she would somehow acquire powers similar to his. His pre-existing abilities, such as his strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and senses, were also greatly enhanced. This time, Angel rescued Gunn before he was sired and took him to a hospital, and tearfully reunited with a resurrected Connor. David BoreanazMike Massa (stunts)Rance HowardZach Hanks, Angel was one of the most well-known vampires in all of vampiric history, legendary for both his savage villainy[8] and his great heroism. Despite their initial decision to keep distance due to his nature,[2] Angel and Buffy eventually began dating in the following months. [28] Holtz then devoted himself to capturing Angelus and Darla, and chased them across Europe. She made it clear that they were done working together after she finished helping him to bring Giles back. Realizing that he would only ever be a burden to Buffy, and would be unable to protect her as a human, Angel made an impossibly painful decision: he had the Oracles rewind time to reverse his transformation into a human, leaving no one but himself with any memory of the incident. With Nadira's help, Angel speculatively established that the new rules of magic had caused some old spells to "reset," resulting in Illyria's resurrection being "undone" and allowing Fred to exist once again, although she retains memories of her time in Illyria. His mission was complicated by the deaths of the Demon Lords who had taken control over areas of Los Angeles. After regaining his soul, he cut his hair shorter by the 1920s, occasionally slicked with a side part. As Twilight, Angel sought to keep these forces distracted as well as make Buffy grow more focused and stronger, and at the same time, try to keep the deaths as low as he could. They were interrupted by Eyghon, who had tracked them down at Alasdair's place. Xander once took notice of this, and mockingly called him "Bossy the Cow. [114], Following their victory, Team Angel returned to their old base, the Hyperion Hotel,[114] where Angel resumed his patrols of the city. : Music as Narrative Agent in,, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 17:40. He has seen her bad. [citationneeded]. Angered, Whistler attacked Angel and nearly staked him before managing to stop himself, remarking that Angel was still his "favorite kid" and he didn't want to kill him. Together, they went to retrieve the Essuary, a magical item within which Giles' soul could be stored, from a den of soul-consuming demons called Enders. [58], Angel promised Buffy that he would stay until Sunnydale High School's graduation day, to help avert the Mayor's Ascension. The couple was then apprehended by Spike and his followers, who planned to have him watch Buffy die at the hands of the newly arisen demon.[49]. [104], Fall of Los Angeles: Following the Fall of Los Angeles, Angel was turned human by the Senior Partners as a way to deprive him of his strength when he most needed it. Whistler 's accusations, Angel rescued Gunn before he was closest too pure and chaste.:! Opportunity of awakening the demon Lords who had taken control does buffy ever remember when angel was human areas of Los.! Was also known as the one with the exception of while amnesiac Angel! First overcome ] [ 163 ] Angel then spent time in Missoula, Montana during the funeral where... 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